Sunday, February 26, 2012

Great Experience

         I know I have been gone for a while, but there was a reason.  I went on vacations to Las Vegas. This was my first time going there and  I’m going to remember forever!
Besides going out, party and gambling we also went to see some of the shows.
Actually we saw four, one of them was the David Copperfield performance.
For those who doesn’t know who is hi, please tape his name on “YouTube" and you will see unbelievable magicians tricks and illusions.
So we went there and we had seats next to the stage. While hi was preforming hi also was moving through the audience.  At one moment he show up in front of me, hi grab my hand and took me on the stage. I couldn’t believe what is going on, there were thousands of people and cameras around. Took me a few minutes until I calm down and do whatever hi asked me to do. I help him to done one of his famous tricks. Any way I did great. It was great experience and I felt so happy been a part of David Copperfield performance!

Yeee Las Vegas     

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